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In partnership with the state's public employers, PEBA helps ensure that public employers can offer their employees comprehensive insurance coverage at a cost that is responsive to their employees' needs and is equitable to all stakeholders. The programs PEBA offers can help provide a financial safety net when you are ill or injured by sharing in the cost of your medical care and can help you find ways to live a healthier, and, we hope, happier life.
Click the links below for complete details about your PEBA coverage. The 2025 Insurance Benefits Summary provides a high-level view of your benefits. New employees need to complete your enrollment within 31 days of your hire date. Open Enrollment runs from October 1-31 of each year. Once the open enrollment deadline has passed, you must wait until either the next October or until you have a special eligibility situation. The monthly premium rates may vary for participating optional employers.
Click the links below for complete details about your PEBA coverage. The 2025 Insurance Benefits Summary provides a high-level view of your benefits. New employees need to complete your enrollment within 31 days of your hire date. Open Enrollment runs from October 1-31 of each year. Once the open enrollment deadline has passed, you must wait until either the next October or until you have a special eligibility situation. The monthly premium rates may vary for participating optional employers.
Health PlanThe State Health Plan offers the Standard Plan, the Savings Plan and, if you are retired and enrolled in Medicare, the Medicare Supplemental Plan. Eligible members of the military community may enroll in the TRICARE Supplement Plan. BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina administers the State Health Plan.
Dental PlanYou have two options for dental coverage: Dental Plus or Basic Dental. Dental Plus pays more and has higher premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs. Basic Dental pays less and has lower premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs. When you make your election, you’ll choose either Dental Plus or Basic Dental, not both. BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina processes dental claims.
Vision PlanGood vision is crucial for work and play. It is also a significant part of your health. An annual eye exam can help detect serious illnesses. You can have an exam once a year and get either frames/lenses or contacts. EyeMed administers the State Vision Plan.
Term LifeChances are you may not have enough life insurance coverage for yourself or your loved ones. Life events, such as getting married, having children and buying a home, may cause you to need more protection. Term life insurance coverage is available to eligible employees. MetLife underwrites the life insurance coverage. This benefit is only available to active employees.